Discipleship Groups
Discipleship Groups exist to train believers to enjoy Jesus and join Him in the renewal of all things. Groups meet weekly or every other week to study the Scripture together, pray for one another, hold each other accountable, and encourage one another in evangelism. The groups also work through an 18-month program designed to cover many different areas of the Christian life. Please take a look at the information below.
These small groups of 2-5 people are a key method of discipleship in our church life. If you would like to join a group, scroll to the bottom to see the group times and email Chase Woodhouse to join one.
Prayer- febRuary & March
Book: Prayer by Tim Keller
Sermons: Discovering How to Pray Dr. Tim Keller Praying our Fears Dr. Tim Keller
Deeper: Personal Sanctification Course on Reformed Theological Seminary’s App
Theology- April & May
Reading: Delighting in the Trinity by Dr. Michael Reeves
Sermon Suggestions: The Triunity of God Dr. Michael Reeves & The Beauty of Reformed Theology Dr. John Piper
Deeper: Covenant Theology Course: Reformed Theological Seminary’s App
Gospel-Centered Living- June &July
Reading: Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love by Ed Welch
Sermon Suggestions: Long-Term Integrity Dr. Ray Ortlund & The Worry and the Wound Matt Chandler
Deeper:Watch Your Life Course by The Gospel Coalition
Spiritual Gifts- August & September
Reading: The Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Gifts by Dr. Sam Storms
Sermon Suggestions: What are the Gifts of the Spirit? Dr. Sam Storms & Supernatural Power for Life and Ministry Dr. Sam Storms
Deeper: Understanding Spiritual Gifts Course Dr. Sam Storms
Evangelism- FebRuary & March
Reading: Evangelism as Exiles by Elliot Clark
Sermon Suggestions: How to Honestly Share the Gospel Rico Tice, 3 Things I Wish I’d Known About Telling People About Jesus Sam Chan, & Help! I’m Not Ready to Share My Faith The Gospel Coalition
Deeper: Sharing My Faith Course by The Gospel Coalition
Family/Single Life- October & November
Reading: The Storm-Tossed Family by Russell Moore OR Singleness and the Gospel by Sam Allberry
Sermon Suggestions: Cultivating a Healthy Marriage Tim & Kathy Keller, Parenting is Gospel Ministry Paul David Tripp, or Singleness and the Gospel Sam Allberry
Deeper: Getting to the Heart of Parenting Paul David Tripp OR A Theology of Singleness Dr. Tim Keller
Finances- April & May
Reading: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
Sermon Suggestions: Treasure vs Money Tim Keller or Hearts of Generosity Matt Chandler
Deeper: Ron Blue Financial Seminars
Sabbath- December & January
Reading: The Sabbath as Rest and Hope for the People of God by Guy Prentess Waters
Sermon Suggestions: The Delight of the Sabbath Dr. Alistair Begg & Work and Rest Dr. Tim Keller
Deeper: There Remains a Sabbath Rest for the People of God: A Theological & Historical Defense of Sabbath Rest as a Creation Ordinance by Jon English Lee
Work- June & July
Reading: Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller
Sermon Suggestions: Faith and Work Dr. Tim Keller
Deeper: A Theology of the Ordinary by Dr. Julie Canlis
Women’s Discipleship Groups
Friday Mornings @ 10AM
Leader: Susan Ince
Wednesday Afternoons @ 1:30PM
Leader: Ana Ince
MId-Day Group (day TBD)
Leader: Becky Zhang
Wednesday Evening @ 8PM
Leader: Sherrill Crisp
Friday Afternoons @ 12
Leader: Katherine Glenn
Men’s Discipleship Groups
Thursday Mornings @ 8:00
Leader: Chase Woodhouse
Thursday Mornings @ 6:00
Leader: Taylor Ince
Thursday Mornings @ 6:45
Leader: Nathanael Ince
HCU: Wednesday Mornings
Leaders: Jon Glenn & Wily Yaxon
Monday Mornings @ 6:45
Leader: Hal Zhang