Sunday Gatherings
We believe the church is a people to belong to rather than an event to attend. The Sunday Gathering is where the church, made up of people, gather together to worship God.
we gather weekly at 10200 Richmond Ave. Houston TX 77042. Join us at 10 a.m. sundays to worship the Lord!
When should I arrive?
Our gatherings begin at 10 a.m. If you have children to check into Sojourn Kids (through age 6), we would encourage you to arrive a few minutes early. We will have greeters to help you check your children in.
What happens during the Gathering?
We come together as the people of God to sing His praises through song, repent and rejuvenate our souls through prayer, partake of the sacraments, and hear the preached Word of God to equip us for every good work that He has for us.
What should I wear?
Our Gatherings are familial experiences; we have kids worshiping with us and plenty of people from all walks of life. Please wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.
What are my childcare options?
Children from 1-6 are welcome to check into our Sojourn Kids program. Children 7+ are encouraged to stay in the Sunday gathering during the sermon. Resources are available to help children glean from the sermon and as well as other activities. All children are welcome to stay with their parents during the gathering.
To learn more about what our children's ministry on Sundays please visit our Kids page by clicking the button below.
If you would like to listen to our sermons or our Sojourn Academy classes, they can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Soundcloud.
Click the Sojourn Galleria Sermons picture to go to our Spotify Playlist