Our Beliefs
Our Beliefs
We believe that the Church is marked primarily by submission to the Scriptures. Accordingly, Sojourn’s doctrine is received from and accountable to the Word of God.
The Bible is the pure Word of God, the only absolute authority for Christians, and all things within the church are governed/managed accordingly. As a broadly Reformed family of churches, we affirm three marks of a true church: (1) the faithful preaching and teaching of the Word, (2) the faithful administration of the Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper), and (3) the faithful exercise of church discipline. These marks, in addition to the Sojourn Houston values, characterize each and every Sojourn congregation.
Sojourn Galleria receives the Nicene Creed, the Gospel Coalition Confessional Statement, and the 5 doctrinal distinctives of the Acts 29 Network. Although we do not require our members to agree on every point, the confession below forms the theological identity of Sojourn Galleria Church.
Vision Frame
We exist to enjoy Jesus and join Him in the renewal of all things.
According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. At Sojourn Galleria, we agree with this catechism and seek to enjoy Jesus in all that we do. As we enjoy Jesus, we are inevitably pulled into His glorious plan to renew all things now and in its full consummation upon His return. All that we do as a Church drives us toward this mission.
To see the gospel become unignorable in Houston’s Galleria area, bringing Kingdom renewal and unity on both sides of Westheimer between 610 and Beltway 8.
Our vision, what we long to see happen but know that God alone can accomplish, is to see the message of Jesus saturate the Galleria area of Houston. We desire to see the Gospel so saturated that every person has to make a decision on whether or not to accept the great news of God coming to rescue His people from their sin.
Enjoy Jesus
We were created to enjoy God and are able to do this by being brought back into right relationship with Him through the work of His only Son Jesus. All our good works, evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and service are rooted in and grow out of this enjoyment, made possible through his work, not ours.
Evangelism: Every member seeks to proclaim the Gospel to those who are around them.
Discipleship: Discipleship groups are a discipleship tool we encourage every member to utilize. They help us grow in our walk with God and invite others to walk with us as we walk with Him. Groups consist of 2-5 believers and last about a year.
Leadership Development: The goal of our pastors is not to do the ministry but to equip the saints for the work of the ministry (Eph 4.11-12). The goal is to train and release every member of Jesus’ body for active participation in His mission of disciple-making.
Make Disciples
The neighborhood parish is a smaller expression of the larger family of God at Sojourn Galleria, the primary place of family gatherings where the lost get a taste of the family that God has created.
Parishes meet in homes, consist of ~10-20 adults plus children, and prioritize proximity (your parish should consist mainly of those you live close to). Our goal is to have a parish on every block, to saturate our geography with gospel presence. Parishes meet at minimum weekly to share a meal, open God’s word together, and pray with and for each other, our city, and our world. We gather to scatter as salt and light into an insipid, dark world, holding out the hope of the gospel in Jesus Christ.
Multiply Parishes
Sojourn Galleria cares deeply about our neighbors, but we also desire to see the gospel go forth in Houston and around the world. Therefore, we will seek to raise up leaders and teams who are willing to move their families wherever the Lord calls them to plant new churches. Our primary focus will be saturation of the Galleria and surrounding regions, but we also aim to send and support church plants into other parts of our city and world.
Plant Churches
God’s heart for the downtrodden and shoved-aside leavens the pages of Scripture: Israel were slaves; so were all God’s children (Deut 5.15, Rom 6.17). He who was rich became poor that we who were poor might become rich with his riches (2 Cor 8.9). God has a special love for the poor, oppressed, and marginalized. We should too. Therefore we will actively pursue relationships with those in need. We will share the gospel with them, love them, serve them, and invite them into our life together as a family of God. We will also partner with those loving the poor in the Galleria, in Houston, and around the world. We pour our time, energy, and money into these pursuits.
Partner Strategically
Core Values
Following the example of Jesus and the early church we strive to lead simple lives and keep simple systems and structures for the sake of missional engagement, radical generosity, and perpetual multiplication.
We continually pursue the fullness of what it means to be united to God as Father, and to Christ and one another as brothers and sisters by the Spirit.
Our model of ministry is intensely local in that our churches are led by local leaders and made up of local members that are meeting local needs in both word and deed.
We pursue the original command of God for his people to fill the earth with his glory by multiplying his presence in the church into every corner of urban Houston.
We demonstrate and declare compassion, especially to the poor and needy, as a defining characteristic of God’s kingdom, Jesus’ lordship, and the Spirit’s empowering presence.
Our Affiliations